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lesson22: The military's airplanes are eight kilometers away from the enemy. Budinda lecingo te zusto bulifye pensande ponimosya cimu. sts: is "enemy" a single person? lesson22: I have no memory of where John informed me about the four sick cats. Bupesi mi zodindaw kosimba Kajobyo mi lecasne bucaygo vomu peju. sts: here i would like to present one more example for parsing: Bupesi mi zodindaw kosimba Kajobyo mi lecasne bucaygo vomu peju. which would have to be equivivalent to: Bupesi mi zodindaw kosimba Kajobyo mi lecasne bucaygo vomu peju.The rule would have to be that a modifier can follow his modifiee on the same line or under the modifiee with one line of space between them. (in this example, there is no problem putting all the arguments of "lecasne" on one line (i.e., "becaygo", "vomu", "peju").
lesson22: I want to show you which vehicle is lighter = I want to show you the vehicle that is lighter. Casi mi javezdimba tumi lango te bufunsanta xeku lahi? sts: it's not a quesiton.sts: i think that it's not the same showing which vehicle is lighter and showing the vehicle that is lighter. "which vehicle is lighter" is a question, and "i will show you the answer" (and then, subseqently, you will know the vehicle that is lighter).
lesson22: My father and some of Mary's sons work here because they like farming. Nusa caski bupu foy ne nupu dawmu te Kamaryabyo kwa vakxe lisi nehi funto. sts: a nice example for parsing: Nusa caski bupu foy ne nupu dawmu te Kamaryabyo kwa vakxe lisi nehi funto. sts: is "nehi" an anaphor for "ne"? lesson22: This heavy green door is an example of what I make where I work. Futsa pekxe semyu funsa ju tendaw nusa bagompa mi tehi di nusa cafyensa mi.sts: again, i'd prefer something like "zodi nusa cafyensa mi" if that is grammatically correct. but i'm not sure.
lesson22: An employee at the movie theater told me that the food is more expensive than the marketplace. Da cafye va dindu venye tane penye mi sebinsanta xeku fuvyu.sts: both sentences don't make much sence to me. "i was told by the employee of the movie theater than the marketplace that the food is more expensive." am i wrong?
lesson22: I have an acquaintance who needs an inexpensive telescope in order to study outer space. Tenda mi kofye va te xenidunda kohi pevenyo busebinsa va catsande jakocaskinza pedwa.sts: yes, but the scope of the necessity isn't to study outer space; it's the scope of _having_ the telelescope (or even the telescope itself) to study outer space. when you say "xenidunda" you say that someone has a need for something. you add "catsanda" and say what is the scope of that (i.e., having a need for something). am i wrong?
lesson22: Do you know what the television beside that wall weighs? Kibe kosi tumi funsanda vespu tudindu xukxe niju kiva?sts: is it legal to have two questions in one sentence? i'd expect something like "Kibe kosi tumi zofunsandaw vespu tudindu xekxe niju?" :)
lesson22: Those two young adults who are walking side-by-side are unemployed. Bucafyenta xabyo buxansa tumu niju te cayskinsa xahi twetudi. sts: "cayskinsa" = "cayski", right? lesson22: I'm assuming that you won't be happy about the low orange ceiling at the club house. Vinubenza mi bube goy fusi tumi cikxe komyu bucinsa di cavu te gelisto. sts: i'd prefer: di -> dindu, but maybe it makes sence in both ways.