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Re: [katanda] P-s <> P-s [-F]

Title: Re: [katanda] P-s <> P-s [-F]
In a message dated 2002-08-18 8:46:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ram@hidden.email writes:
> "Goynto/goynte" still don't match "P-s [-F]", nor does "gasansa" match
> "AP-s [-F]".

I don't understand the point your making here.  "Goynto" is simply a
shorter form of "myagoynde".  Section 2.9 discusses this.

The notations and the actual forms of the words are equivalent semantically, but they are nevertheless distinct and should not be confused.
P-s is equivalent to, but not the same as P-s [-F].  The former is "-nt-" and the latter is "mya--nd-".  That's why I said they don't match.  P-s is NOT "mya--nd-", even though it is semantically equivalent.  Section 2.7.1 discuss this.

Section 2.9 has:

>   A/P-x   is the same as   A/P-x [-F]
    AP-x    is the same as   AP-x [-F]
    P-x     is the same as   P-x [-F]

They are not "the same as".  Adding the "[-F]" makes a focused middle form, which means a different word (which middle form it will be depends on how many places there are).  They are semantic equivalents, yes, but still distinct from each other.  In fact, in your implementation note, you take advantage of the equivalence to include only the focused version.

what's the difference, steven? can you give an example?

i would try to think about it this way:

koskinsa mi. = i'm studying.
koski mi. = i'm studying.
koskinza mi katanda. = i'm studying katanda.
myakoskinza mi. = i'm studying.

bitsanda fungo gefuji. = the truck is full of chickens.
bitsa fungo gefuji. = the truck is full of chickens.
myabitsa fungo. = the truck is full.
bitsanta fungo. = the truck is full.

btw: *myabitsa fungo myava gefuji.*

i don't see the difference, yet.

Section 4.3.5:
>   pinte = P-s [-F] adverb = 'earlier', 'previously'

    pinto = P-s [-F] adjective = 'earlier', 'previous', 'preceding',

Section 15.3:
>        vawnte - P-s [-F] adverb
Same problem.
