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when ram answered to sts... thank you for the answers!
> lesson10:Do you want me to keep this table short like that one? Kibe casi tumi buxunsanfa mi vozwe ju batende tujunti? sts: i don't understand why it's "batende". why not simply "bate"? hm...Because it's being used as a case tag, NOT a noun modifier.
(is it correct that a case tag is an open adverb?)so it's a case tag... then it is linked to the agent, which would be 'me'. but in that case the meaning is "do you want me to keep this table short, just like this one does?".
> lesson10:The actor saw one blue bird climbing down the wall. Pi vezdi tubyo ji cimyu semu buxuskinze xukxe. sts: ha! i thought it was "Pi vezdi tubyo buxuskinza ji cimyu semu xukxe." this would be the same in english, wouldn't it?Your suggestion is better because it's not ambiguous. The original is acceptable but it's also ambiguous because it could also imply that the actor was climbing down the wall.
but isn't the adverb linked to the agent, when we use the nt-nd-nk-ng's and their kin? (i.e., the same question as above.)
> lesson11:That distant skyscraper has a good penthouse restaurant. Tenda civu pensa niju funye cansa va te gexuto. sts: what about "pedinto" instead of "pensa"?I suppose so, but why make things more complicated than they have to be? "Pedinto" literally means 'far from something known from context', which implies a referent, and in this case, a referent is simply not needed.
i see. the difference lies in the context.is it the same to say "known from context" and "put into middle-voice"? in other words: is "pedinto" equal to "myapedindo"?
but what kind of quality is 'being distant'? distant to what? there must be a referent known by kontext. maybe that's why i got to say "pedinto" instead of "pensa".
> kastebyo,"Kastebyo" is not a valid proper name. Since "ste" is a classifier, it cannot appear between "ka" and the intended classifier "byo". How about "Kazdebyo", "Kastibyo", "Kazdefabyo", or "Kastifabyo"?
can't you change your classifier into "sti" so that i can keep my name? ;)would 'katulwibyo' be a valid name? tulwI' is klingon and means "hoper", which is the klingon name i chose.
By the way, it's obvious that I'm not as careful as I should be when I prepare these lessons. Thanks for the corrections!
rick, this language is pretty darn good (i hope this is a valid expression). i'm glad to help you in order to keep the material most easy to read and learn, because i think it is important to give the oportunity to others to study it.
regards, kastibyo, sts.