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- From: BestATN@hidden.email
- Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 17:53:11 EDT
- Subject: "viva"
- To: katanda@yahoogroups.com
There are two examples of "viva" in K-E, aside from the ones in the "viva" entry itself. They both translate "viva .. potsande" as 'so .. that': 'is so wealthy that', 'is so sick that'. Would you put such an example with "viva" too?
>viva - maximally, as much as possible, totally, absolutely, so
much, to the greatest degree possible, etc. Xedebe bulisi viva
Kamexebyo sekobyo = It seems that Michelle totally dislikes the
professor. For scalar states, "vi-" can be applied directly to
the scalar root: Xedebe vibulisi Kamexebyo sekobyo = It seems
that Michelle totally dislikes the professor. For English adverbs,
adjectives, and adjectival verbs, the result is best translated using
"as X as possible": Budinja mi to caynsatse viva = I left the room
as quickly as possible.
figo - alive, living. Bucaygonta viva bupu te sekobyo potsande
figonta suva buhi = The professor's father is so sick that he's
barely alive. ...
potsande - that, such that, producing, leading to, bringing forth,
the result/outcome being. Sensanta viva sebyo potsande sesku sehi
sevu va = The banker is so wealthy that he bought a mansion.