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Re: [jbosnu] kau

la camgusmis cusku di'e

> ni'o je'enai cfipu fa le si'o zo ce'u zo kau simsa

[ Hmmmm....  jbofi'e insists that there has to be a 'be' between 'cfipu'
and 'fa'.  ]

That's because {je'enai} is a vocative. {je'enai cfipu} means
"I don't get you, Oh confusing one", and there is no selbri left
for the rest of the sentence. It should still parse, though not
as intended.

[I think all vocatives except DOI should have been UIs, and that's
how we tend to use them anyway.]

> .i mi'u zo ce'u zo kau simsa le ka jendu pe'a

.i ki'a

i mi do kansa le nu me zo ki'a

> .i va'obo ko'a tamsmi fi lu du'u broda li'u mu'a
> .i va'obo ko'e tamsmi fi lu ka ce'u broda li'u mu'a
> .i va'obo ko'i tamsmi fi lu ka ce'u ce'u broda li'u mu'a

[Not one of those three parses.  What are the 'bo' for?]

I can't see why they shouldn't parse. {bo} attaches the sentence
to the previous one. In this case, each sentence is said to be
the conditions of the previous one. The meaning is weird, but
as far as I can see it should parse.

.i mi sruma le du'u do tavla fi le bipibi mupli .i mi tugni .i mi stidi
zoi gy. I will see which of John or George (or both) is at the park. gy.
ki'u le du'u zoi gy. which of John or George (or both) is at the park
gy. .enai zoi gy. whether John or George (or both) is at the park. gy

So you won't accept that {na.enai} might be the answer?

co'o mi'e xorxes

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