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Re: LoCCan3 development ideas.

--- In jboske@yahoogroups.com, And Rosta <and.rosta@...> wrote:
> I think you should start by setting out the project's aims. Here are some incompatible aims that have come up in previous discussion:
> 1. Create a loglang that is the best possible according to our current state of knowledge.
> 2. Create a loglang that satisfies the key requirement of unambiguously encoding explicit logical forms in a way that is no less concise than the corresponding natlang or Lojban sentences (which are not unambiguous and explicit).
> 3. Design a loglang by means of incremental revisions from Lojban, preserving some sort of backwards compatibility.
> I have the impression that your aim is (3). Others, such as Stevo, favour (1). I favour (2), and because of that I think we don't yet know enough to create a successful loglang, tho that doesn't block work on some areas of the grammar, such as the phonology (-- not such an interesting or important matter for loglangs) or the 'predicaticon' (i.e. the lexicon but leaving the morphophonological aspect of lexical entries blank).
> I'm still interested in discussing (1), tho. I don't see the point of (3), but I guess I'm still interested is discussing the rationale for it.

Let's say that by publishing something on (3) I closed that topic.
So let's discuss (1). Any ideas?
Just a pre-draft would be fine.

> --And.
> gleki.arxokuna, On 31/07/2012 13:38:
> > I created a website http://loccan3.wikinet.org/
> >
> > We can develop LoCCan3 grammar and write down ideas there.
> >
> > Here is http://loccan3.wikinet.org/wiki/The_Loksan_Grammar
> > the grammar.
> > I just added Pronouns section.
> >
> > Feel free to improve everything.
> >
> >