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On 11/11/06, Hugh O'Byrne <hobyrne@hidden.email> wrote:
First, have I made any technical errors above?
It seems to be all correct.
Are there any rules against spaceless Lojban text?
Not that I know of.
Are there any technical objections?
The main one is that it makes it harder for humans to parse.
Does it generate any inconsistency, or other technically undesirable effects?
It is inconsistent with the (unofficial) use of capital letters to stand for lerfu, i.e. A = abu, B = by, C = cy, etc, similar to 1 = pa, 2 = re, 3 = ci etc., and also % = ce'i and other such representations, but that can be fixed by using á, é, í, ó, ú to mark stress. From an Occam's razor point of view, using a single character (the space) to mark stress is also nicer than using five different characters (or worse, twenty-six, for those who like to capitalize the entire syllable).
Some of the technical points going *for* it are: Improved isomorphism between spoken and written Lojban
More consistent usage of the "stress *here*" feature of written Lojban
Except the human brain does not parse written text letter by letter, so that could be argued to be less consistent with the actual working of the brain. mu'o mi'e xorxes