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Re: [jboske] [WikiDiscuss] Re: BPFK gismu Section: Parenthetical Remarks in Brivla Definition

On 10/6/06, John E. Clifford <clifford-j@hidden.email> wrote:
Well, unless it is a lingusitic item (and even then I have some
doubts) a broda type doesn't count as a broda at all -- because it
isn't one.

My understanding was that the broda lattice consists of all things
and only those things that at least in some context count as a broda.
The "subsume" relationship that defines the lattice holds only between
brodas, one broda subsumes another broda. Something that is not
a broda cannot subsume a broda.

I should have thought that it was exxential when talking about breeds
and of the dogs in them that they be in the same lattice, else in what
sense is an individual dog in a particular breed?

When we relate breeds with specimens in the same context, we take the
breeds from the breed lattice (which does not contain specimens, because
a breed can only subsume a breed) and the specimen from the specimen
lattice (which does not contain breeds, as a specimen only subsumes
a specimen). The object language relationship "x1 is a specimen of breed
x2" holds between two things in the domain of discourse. In that discourse,
those two things will not be related by "subsume", which is a metalinguistic
relationship. (These two things will happen to both be in the metalinguistic
dog lattice because each could count as a dog in some discourse, but in
most normal discourses, in a discourse that is not about language, only
one of them could count as a dog.)

mu'o mi'e xorxes