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Re: [jboske] Considering creating a link grammar for Lojban

--- bgoertzel wrote:
> http://www.link.cs.cmu.edu/link/
> I am curious for opinions from Lojban grammar experts on how viable 
> it would be to create a link grammar for Lojban.  Of course, if I 
> knew Lojban I could assess this for myself, but I'm trying to assess 
> whether I should take the time to learn it -- which depends largely 
> on whether I want to use it in Novamente, which depends largely on 
> whether it's viable to make a Lojban link grammar ;-)

I don't see any impediment. I'm not sure you could replicate Lojban's
grammar in full as a link grammar, but it appears that you should be 
able to obtain at least as good results as in English. Some things would 
be simpler. If you don't delve into semantic issues (i.e. you accept
any sentence that parses correctly even if it doesn't make much sense) 
then you would only need a dictionary with 120 entries or so, because 
all the words belonging to the same selmaho have identical syntax and 
so would have identical links.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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