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Re: [jboske] Quantification of quoted text (was Re: BPFK Section: gadri)

> I also don't understand why {bu} can't just be handled before {zo}.
> I think jbofi'e actually does it...

This is one of the things we will be arguing about when we get to
the "magic words" checkpoint.

> Now, as far as quantification is concerned, a string of lojban is
> a string of lojban.  {mi porpi} is always {mi porpi}.  There's only
> one such string.

How do you say "I saw seven {mi porpi}s on that page"?
That's not necessarily the same as seeing {mi porpi} seven times,
you could see the seven sentences at once.

> It's also the same as predicate logic.  A formula *is* the sequence
> of symbols.  It is always the same formula if it is the same sequence
> of symbols (and therefore there is only one of each formula).
> Does this make any sense?

What do we gain by being so restrictive? What do we lose if we allow
quantification over instances?

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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