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--- Invent Yourself <xod@hidden.email> wrote: > On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Jorge Llamb�as wrote: > > > > > Eric Raymond is the Margaret Mead > > > of the Open Source movement. > > > > la erik reimond me la margret med > > pe le girzu po'u la zifre samselpla > > ebu. fa'u my. ckini zy. [fa'u zo'e] I suppose that will more or less cover the meaning. Now instead of translating that phrase, let's consider a different question: How can we create a predicate meaning "x1 is the Margaret Mead of ambit/sphere/field x2". I think my first attempt is wrong. {la margret mid pe le girzu po'u la zifre samselpla} I would take to be someone really called "Margaret Mead" and associated with that movement. But then how else can we make a predicate from a name? I have proposed the construction {me la margret mid moi} to mean "x1 is Margaret Mead's x2 by relation x3". What can we do with the remaining MOIs? I don't have any ideas for {moi}, {cu'o}, or {si'e} yet, but {va'e} looks promising: la eirik reimond me la margret mid va'e le girzu po'u la zifre samselpla Eric Raymond is at the Margaret Mead position on the Open Source movement scale. (To know what that position means on that scale it is necessary to know about Margaret Mead, and about the Open Source movement, of course, but that will be the case for any translation. Also, perhaps the x2 should be {tu'a le girzu}.) mu'o mi'e xorxes __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now http://companion.yahoo.com/