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Re: [jboske] BF definitions

la lojbab cusku di'e

> >I don't think anyone opposes defining the status quo as best we
> >can. That's what people are doing with the topics they are
> >shepherding.
> Then why are there no definition pages, which is what Nick said was the 
> form for that status quo definition.

Because we never moved from the phpbb to the twiki. I propose we do
the following: we create a page on the twiki for each cmavo, with the
definition copied from the ma'oste. Then each shepherd can work from
there to expand/clarify/modify when required the ma'oste definition.
I'm not sure how difficult it would be to create all those pages 
automatically from the ma'oste.

> > > There might also need to be explanations of the semantics of
> > > compounds:  ze'u pu vs pu ze'u, ze'unai if it means something.
> >
> >I think {ze'u pu} and {pu ze'u} will fall under the general mechanism of
> >tag compounds: {ze'u pu} indicates that the event is past of something
> >for a long time, {pu ze'u} indicates that a long lasting event is in the
> >past of something. It doesn't seem to require a special rule.
> I can see this, but I don't know where Nick intends that it will go in the 
> documentation, or will CLL stand unmodified.  And whether the same shepherd 
> handles compounds.

We probably don't want to write definitions for every possible compound. 
When there are general rules that apply to a whole class of cmavo, those 
rules should be described once, not under each and every cmavo affected. 
That's common sense, whether or not it was made explicit in Nick's 
original plan or not. There are things that just have to be discussed
at a more general level. 
> >  I would
> > > presume at a minimum that if a semantics discussion has come up on Lojban
> > > List or jboske, it should be mentioned in the definition page along with
> > > any resolution that has been achieved.  Likewise any odd examples in
> > > usage.  These are things that the shepherd presumably finds out, but I
> > > don't exactly know, since I am less than certain of what the shepherd's 
> > job
> > > is - it overlaps research, definition page writing, and "cat-herding" 
> > those
> > > who are discussing the topic.
> >
> >All that is being done on the phpbb.
> The phpbb is supposed to be the discussion, not the documentation.

Yes, that was the original plan. It turns out that it has also been 
used for documentation. Is that a very big problem?

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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