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Re: [jboske] Re: Dr. Rosta's comments on my gadri whitepaper

la mark cusku di'e

> These two definitions are not consistent with one another.  By the
> second one, (in which {ci lo re plise} means "three pairs of apples"),
> {ro le ci broda} would mean "all the triples of brodas" (assuming that
> lo and le quantify the same way, which I'll grant is not a given). 

No, quantifiers on {lo} quantify over avatars of the Kind, quantifiers
on {le} quantify over members of the Specific.

> don't know that xorxes' XS and And's are definitely intended to be in
> perfect agreement, but it looks like they aren't here.

They are intended to be the same thing, yes. If they aren't, it is 
probably unintentional.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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