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Re: [jboske] a minimalist fantasy

la and cusku di'e
> Bravo! There are only a couple of things I don't get:
> > loi broda - su'o le broda
> I don't understand this equivalence, since loi is not specific & by your
> description {su'o le} is.

Yes, that was cheating. I can't really quantify over nonspecific groups.
> The other thing I don't get is how you distinguish "Mr Two Birds" from
> "A pair of birds" (as a Group, with existence claim "There is a pair of
> birds").

That would have to be done with {su'oboi remei}. Not very nice.

One possibility would be to use outer quantifiers on lo to get
to the groups/individuals, and use a LAhE for the subkinds.
So loi broda would correspond to su'o lo su'o broda, and 
PA broda would correspond to PA lo pa broda. 

> Oh, and for quantifying over members of Mr Two Birds, I take it that 
> you'd use {lu'i lo}, right?

{lu'a lo re cipni}, yes.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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