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Re: [jboske] The two lo'es (was: essentials of a gadri system)

la and cusku di'e

> Certainly this is preferable -- to use na'o (or ta'e?) when typicality is
> being talked about.
> But we're not at the stage -- either analytically or politically -- where
> we can productively start discussing reassignment of cmavo.

Ok, I'm not in a hurry.

In any case, today's discussion has been extremely productive for 
me, because I finally can understand CLL-lo'e. If the equation
CLL-lo'e = ka'u + Kind-lo'e + na'o(or ta'e) is generally accepted
then this will clarify our arguments enormously.

As for reassignment, in my case lo'e was assigned to Kind in 1994 
so restricting it to CLL-lo'e would constitute the reassignment.
But I'm willing to wait and evaluate all options. 

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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