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Re: [jboske] Re: essentials of a gadri system

la nitcion cusku di'e

> For my part, I have put my contribution on wiki, at 
> http://www.lojban.org/wiki/index.php/gadri%20report%2C%20aug%202003

> CLL lo'e is not an intensional article, but a statement of typicality: 
> lo'e does generate an intension, but not the same intension as "Mr". 
> Our alternatives are to reassign "Mr" to lo'e, and dispense with CLL 
> lo'e --- which would leave the well-defined le'e orphaned 

{le'e} would still be well defined as the specific (and nonveridical)
counterpart of {lo'e}. It would not be left orphaned.

> --- or to leave CLL lo'e alone. Jorge has advocated the former, on the 
> grounds that CLL lo'e is nowhere near as useful as the use he would 
> put lo'e to. 

Correct. I showed in another post six or seven examples of the generic
use of {lo'e} by people other than me. Perhaps someone could try to
find any actual uses with the official meaning so we can compare.

> lo'e makes 
> claims that are generic and intrinsic to the referent, i.e. "Lions live 
> in Africa"; but claims that are not an intrinsic property of the referent
> should be made with "Mr" instead. "Lions live in Africa" is a claim in 
> some way definitional of lions, or at least characteristic of them. "I 
> like lions", or "I study lions", is not. Even though the referent is in 
> a sense the same --- Lion-kind --- I think it dangerous to conflate the 
> two kinds of claim. The syntax of the predications involved --- x1 vs x2
> position of lo'e --- might seem a way out of this; but of course that 
> is untenable in Lojban: lo'e cifno cu citka lo'e mirlrantelope is a 
> claim characteristic of both lion and antelope.

How is that property intrinsic? If lions became extinct, then antelopes
would no longer be eaten by lions. Would that mean that they are no 
longer antelopes?

Also, you would not accept {le va cinfo cu citka lo'e mirlrantelope} 
for "That lion eats antelopes" even though the diet being claimed for
that lion is the same as the diet for lions in general? 

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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