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RE: [jboske] Sapir-Whorf sucks (etc.)

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Nick Nicholas wrote:

> >   >So when I say "nobody can find a way to say in Lojban", I mean
> >  >"nobody can find a way to say in the bits of Lojban that have been
> >  >created so far".
> >  The solution to that is xod's and Jorge's: start creating more Lojban.
> Balderash.
> I say that with all due deference to xod and xorxes, who are good users
> of the language, who I do not presume to rival, who have both put their
> money where their mouth is, who the language is hugely indebted to.
> But balderash nonetheless. Jorge's more Lojban involved ignoring the
> baseline; you may be slippery about when and how it's a bad thing, but
> my business is defending the baseline, I can't turn around and say that
> Jorge is solving our baseline problems by ignoring it. (Jorge *is*
> providing signal service by insisting that there are problems; but what
> you're saying now is tantamount to what you've condemned on other
> occasions as railroading through contra-baseline usage.) As for xod, he
> has himself said what he thinks of existing usage; I know why he thinks
> it, and while I think he is condemning overhastily, his comparison to
> four year olds is apt.
> We don't need quantity, we need quality. Let the quantity be based on
> sure foundations.

What's the balderdash here though?

> >  I don't think we know or agree on what are the most important
> >  distinctions. It is that disagreement that led in 1994 to the current
> >  formulation which I can defend only in saying that "it is baselined",
> > but
> >  never approved of.

It sounds like the baseline was rushed through with known defects in order
to get it rubber stamped. Now we must go back and deal with those issues,
with our hands tied by the a "corpus" and several dozen contrarian
skeptics who have to be convinced one by one that there is any problem to

I am hoping, by the way, to stall off the upcoming gadri war until

.o'i mu xagji sofybakni cu zvati le purdi
[Caution!] There are five hungry Soviet cows in the garden!