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Re: [jboske] Sapir-Whorf sucks, and other nonjboske-ish things (was Re: events which don't exist do, because our gadri don't do what we need (was Re: "x1 is a Y for doing x2" (was: RE: Re: antiblotation(was: RE: taksi)))

Robert LeChevalier scripsit:

> The West shortened "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" to "Soviet 
> Union".  I've never seen a comparable shortening in Russian, and SSSR 
> seemed to be spelled out a lot more than USSR was in the stuff I've seen.

Say what?  "Soviet Union" is a half-translation of "Sov'etskij Soyuz",
certainly a common expression when I was learning Russian in 1976.

> So long as the cmavo are a closed set, every word amongst them will cover a 
> range of meaning and hence be to some degree polysemous.

Polysemy is more than covering a range of meanings: it is covering a
*discontinuous* range of meanings, e.g. English "sound".  _Ruka_ is
monosemous even though it covers the domain of both "hand" and "arm".

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