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RE: [jboske] RE: events which don't exist do, because our gadri don't do what we need (was Re: "x1 is a Y for doing x2" (was: RE: Re: antiblotation(was: RE: taksi))

> At 08:33 PM 6/1/03 +0100, And Rosta wrote:
> > > But the naturalism/formalism issue is
> > > related to that: it isn't orthogonal (since naturalism is inherently
> > > anti-baseline,
> >
> >I don't know about that. Lojbab as a conservative naturalist seemed
> >to see the baseline as a common jumping-off point for naturalistic
> >evolution 
> Yes.  BUT I expected that there would be 5 years of baseline compliance 
> before there would be any jumping off, and the jumping off would take place 
> by Lojbanists speaking Lojban, not talking about it in English 
> Everything I've ever said negative about Jorge's (and others') deviations 
> from the baseline would have to be withdrawn, if they occurred after 5 
> years of everyone's best efforts at baseline compliance 

Yes -- my "conservative naturalist" was a shorthand for this more 
expanded description. 

To a formalist, a language that evolved away from the baseline would
become a different & much less valuable language. To preempt argument,
I hasten to add that although I am committed to bequeathing future
Lojbanists as good a language as possible, I am now fully resigned to it
going in the direction that you-joi-Nick have been leading it.
