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Re: [jboske] Digest Number 196

la nitcion cusku di'e

> Yet another crucial point. Jorgean revisionism wouldn't be laissez 
> faire, I take it; Jorge thinks the prescription is wrong, and should be 
> (or should have been) changed where it is wrong. Jorge, is that 
> accurate?

Yes, I do want a formal grammar, but I don't see the point 
of abiding by what I consider a wrong prescription. I value
stability but not to the exclusion of other aims.

I notice that my differences with Jordan in this respect are just
a matter of degree. He approves of changing the grammar a little so 
that {ui y nai} becomes grammatical, but not so much that {ka'e nai} 
becomes grammatical. I approve of both changes on the same grounds:
they both make sense and there is no reason for the grammar to
disallow them. 

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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