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Re: [jboske] Re: [lojban] Re: nai in UI (was: BPFK phpbb)

la djan cusku di'e
> > Let's see. BAI, PU, ZI, ZEhA, TAhE, ZAhO, FAhA, VA, VEhA, VIhA, CAhA, 
> > CUhE and KI all share one property: their members can act as tags by
> > themselves. No other selma'o has that property. That is a meaningful
> > category.
> FA has the property as well.

Sort of. I was using 'tag' in the EBNF sense. FA can't be used as
selbri tcita or as a connective with {gi} like all the others.

All of them must essentially be definable as {fi'o broda} for
some broda (and that's how I defined them in jbovlaste, hopefully
someone will comment on some of the choices of broda which could
use some improvement).

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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