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OT: Quine; Cantor (was Re: [jboske] Aristotelian vs. modern logic)

On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 07:36:40AM -0500, John Cowan wrote:
> Jordan DeLong scripsit:
> > He doesn't have a power set function in his system, but it can be
> > created using his abstraction stuff.  For set of all subsets of x:
> > 	=E2(a < x)
> > ('<' as containment).  So it would certainly be a problem for the
> > system if the power set of a set is an element (which I am not adept
> > enough to determine).
> That's Cantor's paradox: the set of all sets must contain its power set
> as a member, which is impossible.  The whole point of Quine abstraction
> is that it's eliminable *without* reifying over sets.

I dunno what 'eliminable' means.

But I do know that many sets in Quine are members of V (the set of
all elements).  In fact V is a member of itself.  Furthermore his
quantifiers do go over sets, so Ex(x = V) is true, etc.

See the thing is that 'V' is not truely a 'set of all things' (or
of 'all sets'), but a set of all 'elements'.  I'm not sure, but I'm
guessing cantor is avoided (like russell) by making a power set not
count as an element.  I ought to try to prove that though....

Jordan DeLong - fracture@hidden.email
lu zo'o loi censa bakni cu terzba le zaltapla poi xagrai li'u
                                     sei la mark. tuen. cusku

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