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RE: [jboske] The Dead shall Walk Again (was: Aristotelian vs. modern logic)

> And Rosta scripsit:
> > But everybody has the right to go the toilet, though on
> > jboske it means that while you're gone another 200 unignorable messages 
> > have arrived 
> Indeed.  And I perceive that by "toilet" you mean the room containing the
> actual shitstool, i.e. I was simply incommunicado, whereas I thought you
> meant that I had gone *down* the toilet, i.e. ceased to be relevant 
> Or as Moss has it:  "When an American asks for the bathroom, he probably
> wants the toilet."

Oh! I'm sorry about that. I know that you would call it going to
the bathroom or the john, but it didn't occur to me that you might
misinterpret it thus. I meant of course that keeping up with jboske
is sometimes so demanding that doing it requires not taking a break
to take a micturition. To castigate you for (apparently) inattentively 
not responding to that summary document on ro is as unreasonable as
would be castigating you for leaving jboske for a moment to visit
the carsey.
