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Re: [jboske] factivity of nu

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, John Cowan wrote:

> Invent Yourself scripsit:
> > The world where I drank the cocoa the other night is impossible.
> Is this so because (1) of facts about you and cocoa, or (2) because you
> think it logically impossible, like the "true" = "false" world, or (3)
> because you are one of those people, the name for which I forget, who
> believes that whatever happens is what must happen, or to restate this,
> whatever can happen, does happen?

Here is the crux. There is no way to prove "whatever happens is what must
happen". That is why my cocoa last night (I didn't, so take my word for
it) is as unreal as 4 = 5. There is no way to prove anything about any
imaginary worlds, no matter how realistic they may sound.

// if (!terrorist)
// ignore ();
// else
collect_data ();