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Re: [jboske] zi'o (was: Transfinites)

Invent Yourself scripsit:

> So your difference between zo'e and zi'o is "in mind", with zi'o as a
> superset of zo'e. Whereas I consider zi'o to mean that the place doesn't
> belong in the relationship that's being expressed. The speaker goes out of
> their way to delete the place, rather than simply indicating that there's
> a possibility that the speaker in fact has no value in mind.

I think we agree, whereas you seem to think we don't.  If we have a
relation Rabc, we can project the relations Rab, Rbc, Rac, Ra, Rb, Rc
from it with judicious use of zi'o.  There are two kinds of instances
of Rab, those which are derivable from an underlying Rabc and those which
are not (teleporting and non-teleporting klama-ing, in my example).

The use of zo'e, however, leaves us with the original relation Rabc, but
just fails to *express* one or more of a, b, or c.  In order to find out
the unexpressed value, one may inquire.  This is not the same as the
"in mind" that is a synonym for +specific.

John Cowan  jcowan@hidden.email  www.ccil.org/~cowan  www.reutershealth.com
"If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on
the shoulders of giants."
        --Isaac Newton