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la nitcion cusku di'e
xod said in English "if only you guys hadn't hijacked tu'o to mean Unique, we could use it to indicate the inner quantifier of substances." And immediately said "good idea." I now think it isn't.
They are both cases where the grammar provides a slot to be filled with a number, but where no number will do. In XS4 there is a use for quantifiers to quantify over subkinds, though. So if there is a gadri for Kind, we can find a way to interpret a quantifier in front of it. When I proposed tu'o for Unique we were working under the assumption that there is always a default quantifier, so something like tu'o was needed to cancel it. If there is no default quantifier, there is no reason to assume that {lo broda} is quantified. mu'o mi'e xorxes _________________________________________________________________MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus