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RE: [jboske] Monty's Unicorns, Fermat version

quick reply

> la nitcion cusku di'e

[Thanks to Nick for his mega summary. BTW, what is Dowty 1980?
I have on the shelves behind me Dowty 1979 _Word meaning and
Montague Grammar_ and Dowty, Wall & Peters 1981 _Introduction
to Montague Semantics_, neither of which I am very anxious to
open. As I said to Nick in private email, I dislike Montague 
Semantics (at least as a solution to what I seek) because
I believe logic is part of everyday thought, but I can't 
believe that we think in Montague Semantics.]
> >I seek a senator: mi sisku leka ce'u turnrsenatore
> >I seek two senators:  mi sisku leka ce'u turnrsenatore
> >I seek every senator:  mi sisku leka ce'u turnrsenatore
> What we've done in these cases is:
> I seek a senator: mi sisku leka ce'u turnrsenatore (pamei)
> I seek two senators:  mi sisku leka ce'u turnrsenatore remei
> I seek every senator:  mi sisku leka ce'u turnrsenatore romei

See below re Excellent Solution.

> ({le ka ce'u remei fo lo'i turnrsenatore}, to use the ugly
> place structure of mei.)
> >xod had his "Lojban is fucked" moment with  quantifier ordering. I've
> >resisted that long and hard, with all my compromise and
> >fundamentalism and kludges. But this is my Rubicon: the current
> >understanding of sisku must be destroyed. I don't know what will
> >replace it, and I still don't like Mr Shark replacing it, but we were
> >bozos to put in the lambda 
> I agree that the current sisku is ugly, but Mr Shark works
> the same way as properties as far as quantification goes 
> We will still be looking for Mr Shark Remei 
> I wonder whether {lo re broda} can do this job under
> the 2nd Excellent Solution 

I am currently developing it into a 3rd ExSol, but in brief,
my current idea is (where lo xor loi is gadri for Kind,
the other being gadri for Jbomass):

lo-Kind ro turnrsenatore = collective of all senators
lo-Kind re turnrsenatore = collective of 2 senators
ro lo-Kind (pa) turnrsenatore = every kind of senator
re lo-Kind (pa) turnrsenatore = 2 kinds of senator
ro lo-Kind re turnrsenatore = every kind of senator-pair
re lo-Kind re turnrsenatore = 2 kinds of senator-pair

So Nick's exx wd be:
 I seek a senator: 
      mi sisku lo-Kind (pa) turnrsenatore
      mi sisku pa lo-Kind (pa) turnrsenatore
 I seek two senators:  mi sisku leka ce'u turnrsenatore
      mi sisku re lo-Kind (pa) turnrsenatore
 I seek every senator:  
      mi sisku ro lo-Kind (pa) turnrsenatore

A Kind, remember, is an embodied property, and haecceities
are properties.
