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RE: [jboske] Nick on propositionalism &c. (was: RE: Digest Number 134

> The Right definition of {mei} should have two places, with
> the second place being either a property or (better) a Kind 
> So {lo cimei be le ka prenu}, or {lo cimei be lo'e prenu},
> for "a threesome of people". How do you say that using the
> official definition?
> With the same place structure we have {lo pimumei be
> lo'e prenu} for "half a person" 

Or just {lo ci mei be lo prenu} and {lo pi mu mei be lo prenu},
under 2nd Excellent Solution, under which lo'e and le'e are
freed up for Nick to have his way with them (as a means of
stating prototypical properties) and the a-gadri gap needn't
perturb us.
