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RE: [jboske] Nick on propositionalism &c. (was: RE: Digest Number 134

la lojbab cusku di'e

resi'e if meaningful would have the place structure
x1 is a 2(-some) portion of mass x2
lo resi'e refers to the x1 of that construct
pa lo resi'e selects one out of however many such 2-some portions of the
unstated x2 as may exist.

This is nonsense.

That's not what the straightforward reading of the ma'oste gives.
{zesi'e} from the ma'oste would mean: "x1 is a 7th portion of mass/totality x2".

That's also the most natlangy interpretation. Compare
for example with Esperanto, which has "-opo" for {mei}
and "-ono" for {si'e}:

sep      ze      seven
sepopo   zemei   a seven-some
sepono   zesi'e  a seven-th

The idea that one has to use {fi'uze} rather than plain {ze}
in front of {si'e} is probably a later development.

If we are going to use {fi'uze}, it is not clear why we
couldn't just use {mei} with it.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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