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RE: [jboske] fundamentalism as fundamental (RE: Re: gadri paradigm:2 excellent proposals

> And Rosta scripsit:
> >   A. Ultra-fundamentalist. CLL is gospel except where it can conclusively
> >   be proved to be self-contradictory or to contravene inviolable principles
> I don't wish to start another Humpty-Dumpty debate, but surely
> this is fundamentalism simpliciter?  *Ultra*-fundamentalism would say
> "CLL is gospel *even* where it can conclusively [etc.]"
> Or (in the words of an actual fundamentalist whom I heard on TV
> some years ago) "You don't have to *understand* the whole Bible to
> *believe* the whole Bible!"
> John, fundamentalist

Okay: the intent was to contrast with Nick's variety of pragmatic
fundamentalism, which is manifest also sometimes in you. I suppose
that that can be summed up as "you needn't honour the letter so
long as you honour the spirit".
