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Re: [jboske] ideologies (was: RE: Re: gadri paradigm: 2 excellent proposals

On Mon, Dec 23, 2002 at 12:54:22PM -0000, And Rosta wrote:
> Lojbab:
> > At 05:19 PM 12/22/02 +0000, And Rosta wrote:
> > >The best way to avoid sacrificing continuity is to leave the mess
> > >exactly as it is 
> > 
> > Yes, but that does not get a dictionary written 
> The dictionary entries for the mess could be written by the people
> who understand it. I observe that you and Jordan, the two defenders
> of lojbanmasses, have just posted apparently contradictory messages
> about mei. So one solution would be to treat mei as polysemous.

If there was a contradiction then by definition one of us was in
error.  I didn't read lojbab's, so I can't comment.  But it doesn't
help your case any unless you find a contradiction *in* *the* *book*.

> > The discussions we are having are NOT aimed at the "voting", but at the 
> > consensus building that will be necessary whenever the vote will be divided 
> > (as seems likely in this case), since consensus is not "majority rules" 
> How can consensus develop when one person's judgements are conditioned by
> such different factors from another's? In particular, there are some of
> us who prefer things continuous with the past even if kludgey, while
> there are others who prefer things elegant even if not continuous with
> the past. It seems to me that the only way consensus can emerge is for
> there to be enough of a poll for it to be clear what the majority view
> is and for the minority to acquiesce. That is what happened with the
> original academyless baseline freeze and now with the emergence of the
> BF.
> More generally, consensus can emerge on relatively rational issues,
> such as the range of meanings that we want Lojban to be able to
> express. But on more ideological issues, such as how those meanings
> are to be expressed, there is no truly consensual solution waiting to 
> be discovered, and the solution has to the one that the greatest
> number of people are least unhappy with.

People could trade consensus on issues also.  "You can have your
fooby foo gadri if I get Blah", etc.

Anyway, if lojbanists can't get consensus on *anything*, which is
a possibility, then lojban should just, as they say, die in the

Jordan DeLong - fracture@hidden.email
lu zo'o loi censa bakni cu terzba le zaltapla poi xagrai li'u
                                     sei la mark. tuen. cusku

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