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Re: [jboske] Collective: definition

On Mon, Dec 23, 2002 at 09:46:48PM +1100, Nick Nicholas wrote:
> (resend)

didn't get the first...hrm

> Similarly, you can say
> mi citka pi ro loi rismi
> and mean half now and half later. Bzzt, your collective instantly 
> evaporates. you've split the rice in two, you're not eating it all 
> together at the same time.

Ok, you had me till here.  I think this is bogus.  What is the "same
time"?  In some ma'i it is within a few minutes, in others it is
within the two days.  But you *never* eat it all at precisely the
same time.  If you require that as part of it being a "collective",
then collectives are worthless.

So i'm still not convinced that "piro" isn't what you want.  Maybe
a clearer definition of "collective" could be given though?

> When I say the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is playing, who do I mean? 
> (We're talking English now.)

This is a "la" thing though.  It's the name of a mass which has
changing members.  Saying it at any given point in time means that
some of the current members of the orchestra were playing.  I don't
think it would be false if one flautist is home sick, so I would
map it to "la", naming a mass which we assume is quantified with

> There may well be an utterly obvious gismu I'm missing; if there is, 
> I'll consider retracting my support of {lu'oi}, in the interests of 
> fundamentalism. Ball's back in whoever's court.

I wouldn't be overly opposed to this if I could get a clear definition
of collective so that I could see if it isn't "piro", and if this
is all people wanted.  But from my hardly-paying-attention-perspective
it seemed that AndR was discussing complete overhauls of the gadri
system---replacing le with lu'oirolau'ifoobyfoo or whatever crap,
and making it unable to refer to multiple individuals, or whatever
else it was.

Jordan DeLong - fracture@hidden.email
lu zo'o loi censa bakni cu terzba le zaltapla poi xagrai li'u
                                     sei la mark. tuen. cusku

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