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RE: [jboske] Re: ***RO*** lo'e cinfo cu xabju le friko

> cu'u la .and 
> > The problem: to capture the difference between:
> >
> > 1. The lion lives in Africa. = A lion typically lives in Africa 
> > 2. I study the lion. != A lion typically is studied by me 
> A bogus problem with a bogus solution. lo'e X broda != lo X ta'e broda 
> ; and the equivalences you draw for English are irrelevant to Lojban. 
> This is an attempt to make prototypes non-unique for no better reason 
> than a spurious copying of English, and I reject it with extreme 
> prejudice 

It is an attempt to express the logically different uses of
prototypes in 1 & 2. That is, it is an attempt to distinguish
between typical (inherited) properties and nontypical (noninherited)
properties. It is absolutely not a bogus problem. As for the solution, 
it is the only solution currently on the table.
