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RE: [jboske] individuation and masses (was: RE: mass, group,

> la and cusku di'e
> >There is no dispute (from me, at any rate)
> >that predicates should not be intrinsically Countable or intrinsically
> >Uncountable 
> I think Lojban predicates are all intrinsically countable 
> In other words, {ro broda} and {pa broda} always make sense,
> for any broda. What counts as a broda can vary with context,
> but in a given context, something has to count as a broda in
> order to use "broda" 

I'm not sure if I've addressed this in another message. At any
rate, my response is that something has to count as a countable
broda in order to use non-Substance gadri + broda, and it has
to count as noncountable broda in order to use Substance gadri
+ broda.

'countable' = has intrinsic boundaries.

I share your view that none of the current gadri seem to qualify
as Substance gadri (because of the inner cardinality indicator).

'Unique', too, is incompatible with an inner cardinality indicator,
in that the cardinality is perforce 1.
