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a personal gadri paradigm (was: RE: lo'e gadri: can we converge towards a resolution?

> At 02:46 AM 12/18/02 +0000, And Rosta wrote:
> >On the officializing of additional gadri, I am now thinking
> >that it might be too much to ask of the BF. By my reckoning
> >there are 25 gadri, of which 11 are official. The 25
> >comprise pa'ei plus a 6 * 4 grid with lo'i, lau'i, le'i, la'i
> >on one axis and on the other:
> >   set
> >   quantified (le, lo, la, lau'a)
> >   massified
> >   collectivized
> >   average
> >   unique
> >
> >Since I don't hold out much hope for the BF officializing
> >14 new gadri, I don't see why I should care whether just
> >one or two more gadri are officialized 
> We don't need 25 gadri, unless you insist on abbreviating everything 
> We need to add to the set lu'i, lu'a, lu'o, which cover the first three of 
> those above 

I have slept on the matter and come to the conclusion that if I
propose 14 new gadri it will just be dismissed as incontinent
cmavorrhoea. Instead, I will propose just 3 new LAhE, but will
try to refuse to use a gadri that is not preceded by a PA or
LAhE. This makes all 'macrogadri' 2 words and 3-4 syllables long
(so as to try to make them a level playing field, lengthwise).
The most frequently *needed* ones might deserve 1 word abbreviations, 
but we won't know which are most frequently *needed* unless we
use them without regard to the length of their unabbreviated forms.

We end up with a picture that I personally am content with. That's
not to say that anybody else would be content with it, but it means
that my position in the overall debate is now established.

The relevant LAhE:
set               lu'i
massified         lu'o
collectivized     lu'oi
average           lu'ei
unique            lu'ai

The full paradigm:

                  LO         LAU'A       LE         LA
quantified        PAlo'i     PAlau'i     PAle'i     PAla'i
set               lu'ilo'i   lu'ilau'i   lu'ile'i   lu'ila'i
massified         lu'olo'i   lu'olau'i   lu'ole'i   lu'ola'i
collectivized     lu'oilo'i  lu'oilau'i  lu'oile'i  lu'oila'i
average           lu'eilo'i  lu'eilau'i  lu'eile'i  lu'eila'i
unique            lu'ailo'i  lu'ailau'i  lu'aile'i  lu'aila'i

The typical use of the official gadri gives the following

lo    su'olo'i
loi   lu'olo'i
le    lu'aile'i
lei   lu'oile'i
la    lu'aila'i

The gadri for du'u would be lu'ailo'idu'u -- six syllables where
ideally there should be one. But achieving the requisite
shortening is beyond the power of tinkering.

Of course, the scheme is ridiculously polysyllabic, but I don't
hold with abbreviating just where the official cmavo & defaults 
happen to afford an abbreviation. I'm sure that those who use
Lojban a lot won't be prepared to use four syllables where they
could use one, and I will look upon them benignly as Naturalists
whose usage is guided by the markedness implicit in the selection
of cmavo for officialness and/or monosyllabicity.
