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Re: [jboske] RE: lo'ie != lo'ei

Nick Nicholas scripsit:

> And herein our misunderstanding. Because of course I didn't think of 
> prototype in that way. And there is a long-running confusion as to 
> what this Mr Bird is in Lojban; until recently, after all, we all 
> assumed it was {loi cipni}. For all I know, it may in fact still be 
> loi} and not {lo'e}.

I certainly have always used "Mr. X" to mean "loi X"; I saw Mr. Bird last
week, meaning that I saw some part of loi X, the massified glob-of-all-birds.
But I cannot perceive lo'e cipni in any sense.

> That said, the "I want to talk to a doctor/any doctor" is a 
> far far better illustration of this intensional doctor, because we 
> don't need to get sidetracked by {buska}. 

I think the problem as stated is insufficiently general.  After all,
why doesn't it apply with equal force to "I need eight maids a-milking?"
Does that mean some specific eight maids, or any eight maids?
In other contexts we talk about le bi vs. bi lo.

> My opinion is still that (b) wins out, that the Median is closer to 
> the CLL's lion, and that something *like* {se ka} or {jai ka} would 
> be good for the intensional lo'e, since it would directly and 
> mnemonically tie in with the {sisku x2} (a fact on the Lojban ground.)

Is "Median" here meant as a prototype for the numerical senses only, or
does it include Prototype?

> Perhaps. Like I say, though, I don't know that Mr Doctor is lo'e 
> mikce. In fact, I don't know yet that s/he isn't {loi mikce} after 
> all. Massification suppresses individuation, so the choosing of 
> opacity vs. transparency is sidestepped there too. Isn't it?

It is; in fact, if "do nitcu loi mikce", any doctor will satisfy you.
Technically, so will sundry detached doctor parts, but we can allow
the Gricean salvator to suppress this.

Only do what only you can do.           John Cowan <jcowan@hidden.email>
  --Edsger W. Dijkstra,                 http://www.reutershealth.com
    deceased 6 August 2002              http://www.ccil.org/~cowan