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identity abstraction (was: poi'i, se/te/ve ka)

On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, Jordan DeLong wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 09:27:35PM -0000, And Rosta wrote:
> > Jordan:

> > > {me la xod} still doesn't work for what xod wants, anyway, afaict
> >
> > Would {ka ce'u me la xod}? I think it would.
> I don't think so.  He wants to replace kau with this, remember.

ka ce'u me la xod works fine. I don't want to replace every use of makau
with this, only in those cases where it's being used to hack an identity

Naturally, if we have the name of the identity-bearer, then getting their
identity is less useful, at least in the canonical cases we're discussing,
where we have a *description* (or a fact) about X, and then want to
discuss X's identity. Without names we have no {me}, and we're back to the
su'u ce'u broda keibe lo kamse'i.

jipno se kerlo
re mei re mei degji kakne