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Baseline voting - time is running out

This is a second notice, to warn people that there are approximately 2 days left in which to vote on the Baseline policy. If you haven't yet voted, please do so immediately, in accordance with the quoted announcement below. The yahoogroups poll is set to close on 12/6. baselinevote@hidden.email won't disappear, but I intend to tally the votes at around midnight local time Saturday night. (Robin Powell has an independent copy of votes received, and can serve to verify if there is any question about a vote being received or counted correctly.)

I reiterate that this voting is open to all Lojbanists, beginners or advanced. If you consider yourself a Lojbanist, you are entitled to vote (I consider anyone who subscribes to one of these lists to be a Lojbanist, as well as some who are not subscribed.)

At 11:47 PM 11/26/02 -0500, Bob LeChevalier-Logical Language Group wrote:
My apologies to people who get this more than once because they are on more
than one list.  If anyone knows of a Lojbanist who is not on any of these
mailing lists (e.g. on IRC), please relay the information to them.

The LLG Board, after a couple of months of debate mat yesterday and
approved the statement of baseline policy and plans that follows (it is
also posted on the lojban.org website at

As indicated in the statement, we are seeking ratification of the Lojban
community and not merely official voting members.  The poll on yahoogroups
lojban-list is set up as indicated.  Those who prefer can reply to the poll
>Do you support the new Lojban baseline policy statement posted to the list
>and found at http://www.lojban.org/llg/baseline.html?
via email to baselinevote@hidden.email

I encourage everyone in the community, beginner or long-time Lojbanist, to
vote (only once, please %^)


lojbab                                             lojbab@hidden.email
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA                    703-385-0273
Artificial language Loglan/Lojban:                 http://www.lojban.org