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Re: [jboske] Write-up of importingness debate

On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 05:28:48PM +0000, And Rosta wrote:
> I've attempted a write-up of where we've ended up. It's (temporarily) at
> http://nuzban.wiw.org/wiki/index.php?On%20the%20meaning%20of%20%22ro%20broda%20cu%20brode%22
> But the text from there is repeated below. I'd like it that if we agree that it represents the consensus (with any necessary revisions), then the url can be sent to Lojban list so that people can see that we do get things settled.
> I haven't attempted an exposition of the 'quantificational square' -- that's a job for xorxes and Jordan and Adam, maybe on a separate page that could be linked to.

Certainly not a job for me, as I hadn't even heard of it, but
has a nice explaination.  Could perhaps add a link to it once the
wiki is back up.

> '''Existential import of fractionals.'''

This part seems to be not neccesarily something which is needed to
be part of the consensus on the basic quantifiers as A-E-I+O+.  If
people are able to agree on it, then I guess we should leave it in,
though.  I don't agree or disagree with it (yet), as I don't really
know how these so'o things are supposed to work logically.

I guess if it is that:
	(so'o: Fx) Gx
	cardinality({x: Fx & Gx}) is a number big enough to be called "so'o"
then it would have to import.  However it seems more likely that
the meaning of so'o is related to the cardinality of the whole set
{x: Fx} (making it one of the "fractional quantifiers" under your
terms), which would lead me to believe something like:
	(so'o: Fx)
	cardinality({x: Fx}) * so'o = cardinality({x: Fx & Gx})
in which case it makes sense to be nonimporting to me.

Also, I think ce'i is certainly of the latter type, and thus should
be nonimporting.

I just thought of one other thing.  How does
	so'o da zo'u ganai da gerku gi da barda
compare to
	so'o gerku cu barda
If so'o has the kind of fractionality suggested above, the first
is different from the latter drastically (which I guess maybe isn't
a bad thing though).

Jordan DeLong - fracture@hidden.email
lu zo'o loi censa bakni cu terzba le zaltapla poi xagrai li'u
                                     sei la mark. tuen. cusku

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