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RE: [jboske] An importingness story I think we can agree on (but probably won't, alas)

On Sun, 10 Nov 2002, And Rosta wrote:

> To summarize the entire discussion so far:
> "all of" is certainly importing even if only by irresistible
> implicature.
> But "ro" does not mean "all of"; it expresses a cardinal number,
> the number of broda that there are. If there are 0 broda, then
> ro = 0. Hence it is nonimporting.
> The model of quantification favoured by John and xod is valid,
> but ro is not the lexical means for implementing it. (I haven't
> grouped pc in with John and xod, because I never understood
> his reasons for his position -- he seemed to give no reason
> but "that's how it is in proper logic".)
> So, John and xod. Are you going to acquiesce??????????
> Everybody else has already voted jordo.

What was said here that contradicts what I wrote in "mu"?

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