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Re: Re: [jboske] "mu." (was: Why ro is importing & nobody should mind)

Adam Raizen scripsit:
> de'i li 2002-11-09 ti'u li 23:05:00 la'o zoi. John Cowan .zoi cusku di'e
> >Jordan DeLong scripsit:
> >
> >> I think A-E-I+O+ is what we need for this, to keep the system
> >> consistent.  I agree with you and xod, that, as Nick was suggesting,
> >> we really can ignore this as in normal conversation it's really a
> >> "na'i" to talk about things which don't exist, despite being logically
> >> true.
> >
> >I agree as well, except I call it logically false rather than true.
> >A trivial distinction, he said airily.
> How about "Some planets are inhabited by humans" and "Some US
> presidents are male". Are those logically false too? 

No, I reckon them true, because they mean "There is at least one planet such that
it is inhabited by humans" and "There is at least one US president who
is male".  "Some female US presidents are blond" is false by the same
standard, for it means "There is at least one female US president who is
blond", and there isn't.

"No, John.  I want formats that are actually       John Cowan
useful, rather than over-featured megaliths that   http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
address all questions by piling on ridiculous      http://www.reutershealth.com
internal links in forms which are hideously        jcowan@hidden.email
over-complex." --Simon St. Laurent on xml-dev