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Re: [jboske] The contradiction

Adam Raizen scripsit:

> [A]ccording to CLL, (16.11, p.405-407) we can move the negation
> boundary in (2) past the universally quantified term, and switch
> the universally quantified term to an existentially quantified
> term, thus:

Ah.  I think that the answer is that DeMorgan's Laws apply only
in the case of *unrestricted* quantification: to roda, but not to
rodapoi/rolo/ro.  The passage of CLL that you mention seems to use only
singular terms in the examples, though I have only taken a quick look.

See my reply to And's consensus-seeking posting on the main list.

My confusion is rapidly waxing          John Cowan
For XML Schema's too taxing:            jcowan@hidden.email
    I'd use DTDs                        http://www.reutershealth.com
    If they had local trees --          http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
I think I best switch to RELAX NG.