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Re: [jboske] zo'u tu'e (was: Re: putative tense scope effects (was: RE:

la and cusku di'e

Here's what I was thinking of, from Chapter 19.4:

To specify a topic which affects more than one sentence, wrap the sentences in ``tu'e ... tu'u'' brackets and place the topic and the ``zo'u'' directly in front. This is the exception to the rule that a topic attaches directly to a sentence:
4.9)  loi jdini zo'u tu'e do ponse .inaja do djica [tu'u]
    the-mass-of money :  ( [if] you possess, then you want )
    Money: if you have it, you want it.


So I am confused.

Oops! You're right, I was misreading the grammar. A prenex can
precede a "statement" or a "subsentence". I had missed the first
part. Good.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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