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Re: [jboske] The ugly head of ni

On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 pycyn@hidden.email wrote:

> In a message dated 11/5/2002 2:57:35 PM Central Standard Time,
> xod@hidden.email writes:
> <<
> > {ni + ce'u} solves a problem (counting) that is hard to do any other way;
> > >>
> Counting what and what does it have to do with {ni}+{ce'u}?

John Cowan provided an example. Go look for it, it's in this thread. If
you can't find, I'll try to find it for you.

> <<
> {ni - ce'u} is conceptually redundant with jei, differing only in the
> number, a number (-00, 00) which in most cases can be mapped onto [0, 1]
> without damage.
> >>
> So you keep saying without any evidence provided and in the face of
> considerable evidence to the contrary.  I take this merely to mean that you
> don't know how to use {ni} -- and aren't too clear on {jei} either.  Many
> {ni} scales are open ended and hence do not map onto [0,1] "without damage."
> And, it is the mapping which is exactly the main separation between {ni} and
> {jei}  -- as the non-identical joiner of the two.

Conceptually, most (-00, 00) scales that refer to things in reality that
people want to discuss can be mapped like I said. I trust you can come up
with some bizarre counterexamples, but if you come up with a few that
might arise in normal discussion, then it will fall outside the "many" or
"most" I refer to. We did the Kareem thing already and you've seen I have
no problem mapping the length of the known universe to "1".

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structural difference between the two great oligarchies of our
time." -- Edward Abbey