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Re: [jboske] putative tense scope effects (was: RE:ConcreteexamplesofLlambanl...

In a message dated 11/3/2002 1:56:08 PM Central Standard Time, xod@hidden.email writes:
>>>plain le = ro da poi cmima le'i

>>How sure are you of this?

So, every time I utter le broda, I am making an existence claim?

Well, I'm glad to hear someone say so.  & would probably claim that {ro} does not make an existence claim, though the implicit internal {su'o} does (and the fact that you  have picked them out). In any case, if there aren't any, the claim automatically goes to Untrue.

Your definition includes le'i. Is le'i primitive, or does it include le?
Neither on this view; both derive from {voi} (or any other pattern, thye are interdefinable).

Can someone remind what the problem is here?