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RE: [jboske] loi'e & truthconditions (was: RE: carving the lo'e debateinto shape

> de'i li 2002-10-25 ti'u li 11:12:00 la'o zoi. And Rosta .zoi cusku di'e
> >The problem is that in the world as we usually conceive it to be, 
> >there is not just one lion. So {da kalte loi'e cinfo} is simply
> >not a claim about the world as we usually conceive it. It's a
> >claim about a version of the world as we usually conceive it, but
> >where there is just one lion. In that world, {da kalte loi'e
> >cinfo} is true iff someone hunts the one lion 
> If, e.g., lions are on the brink of extinction due to hunting, I 
> think that 'da kalte loi'e cinfo' is true (taking that 'da' as 
> something like 'le gunma poi kalte') 

It's appropriate, not "true". If *the one lion* is on the brink of
extinction due to hunting then 'da kalte loi'e cinfo' is true.
The issue is not the conditions under which {loi'e broda cu brode}
is *true* -- that's easy and uncontroversial, since the claim
is made only about worlds in which there is just one broda. The 
issue is the conditions that we can informatively describe as {loi'e 
broda cu brode}. That is not really a matter for jboske legislation, 
or so it seems to me.
