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RE: [jboske] carving the lo'e debate into shape (was: RE: My last will and

> And Rosta scripsit:
> > {le} isn't right if you're after any box of a certain kind 
> The "le" is applied to the kind (I want a +specific boxish variety) 
> I need a good brivla for "x1 is of variety x2 for purpose x3" 

"need any box of a certain kind": 
  {nitcu lo'ei cmima be lei'e klesi be lo'i tanxe}. 
Maybe you can even get away with:
  {nitcu lo'ei lu'a le'i tanxe}
-- I think you can.

"There is an apple of a certain kind that I ate":
  mi citka lo lu'a le'i plise

If the nonveridicality bothers you, then change to:
  mi citka lo lu'a le'i du ku noi plise fa ro lu'a ke'a
