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RE: [jboske] RE: Llamban

On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, And Rosta wrote:

> John:
> >
> > I think this is a confusion.  For me, "I am a novelist who doesn't write
> > novels" is a flat contradiction....

> I have a friend who says he's a novelist, even though he hasn't written
> a novel, and doesn't seriously plan to.

ckufi'i zi'o?

Henry McCullers, an affable Plano, TX-area anti-Semite, praised the
Jewish people Monday for doing "a bang-up job" running the media.
"This has been such a great year for movies, and the new crop of fall
TV shows looks to be one of the best in years," McCullers said.
"And the cable news channels are doing a terrific job, too. Admittedly,
they're not reporting on the Jewish stranglehold on world finance,
but, hey, that's understandable."