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Re: [jboske] lo'e

la adam cusku di'e

On the other hand, as I understand it, while 'broda lo'e brode' doesn't
imply that 'broda lo brode', 'broda lo brode' does imply that 'broda
lo'e brode'.

I think there is no _logical_ implication, but I agree there
is often some kind of implication. In other words, {su'o da
zo'u broda tu'o du'u da brode} does not logically entail
{broda tu'o du'u su'o da zo'u da brode}.

So, once again with chocolate, if one ordinarily dislikes
almost every piece of chocolate, but that last piece just hit the spot,
then 'nelci lo cakla' and thus 'nelci lo'e cakla' is true, though 'likes
chocolate' certainly isn't.

I would describe that situation as:

 mi ta'e naku nelci lo'e cakla i ku'i mi nelci le vi cakla
 Typically it is not the case that I like chocolate, but
 I do like this chocolate.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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