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la pycyn cusku di'e
Llamban turns out to be a stranger language than I ever imagined. It hassumti that don't refer to anything, which is not unprecedented, since that iswhat I think {lo'e broda} is in Lojban.
So it should not be that surprising that I use {lo'e broda} when I need a sumti that does not refer.
But these sumti can enter into identity expressions and further give rise to properties which nothing has, including the things mentioned in the properties.
I'm not sure which properties you're thinking of here. {ro broda cu ckaji tu'o ka ce'u du lo'e broda} should be true.
It appears that althoughthere is a property tu'o ka ce'u du lo broda, lo broda does not have it, thatis, {lo broda du lo broda} is false --
I never said anything like that. ro broda have the property tu'o ka ce'u du lo broda, so if there is any broda, some broda indeed has it.
> - ro broda cu ckaji tu'o ka ce'u du lo broda > - lo'e broda cu ckaji tu'o ka ce'u du lo broda > - ro broda cu ckaji tu'o ka ce'u du lo'e broda > - lo'e broda cu ckaji tu'o ka ce'u du lo'e broda > > That doesn't mean that {lo'e broda} refers to some critter. >> No, but if it has any meaning at all, it means that for each broda, a, a dulo broda and a du lo'e broda and thus lo broda du lo'e broda, whatever thesemay mean (since it is not clear what tu'o ka ce'u du lo broda is).
You're right, {lo broda cu du lo'e broda} is normally true. (When there are broda.) What does not follow is that {lo'e broda} can be substituted by {lo broda}.
<< lo broda and ro broda have the property tu'o ce'u du lo broda, and that does not mean that lo broda cu du ro broda! >> Well, actually it does -- and you said it does just above.
No. {ro broda cu du lo broda} is true, but {lo broda cu du ro broda} is false unless there is only one broda.
Would you care to explain further (this seems to be my constant issue withyou -- your cryptic remarks never get developed and we are left to trust thatthey really do mean something.
I'm sorry if my remarks appear cryptic to you. It is not intentional. Many of your remarks appear cryptic to me as well.
> Or the last proof, that your system makes {da poi >broda>zo'u mi sisku le ka ce'u du da} is materially equvalent to {mi sisku le ka>da >poi broda zo'u ce'u du da}, My system makes them explicitly different. One is {mi buska lo broda} and the other is {mi buska lo'e broda}. >> Yes, precisely. But those are already stated to be equivalent, since both are equivalent to {mi sisku tu'o ka ce'u du lo broda}.
They are not. Only {mi buska lo'e broda} is equivalent to that. {mi buska lo broda} is equivalent to {su'o da poi broda zo'u mi sisku tu'o ka ce'u du lo broda}, from the definition of {buska}. You can't move the quantifier in. mu'o mi'e xorxes _________________________________________________________________Internet access plans that fit your lifestyle -- join MSN. http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/default.asp